Have I made another trip around the sun already? That went by pretty quickly! Today I turn 32, or as I like to say, it’s the second anniversary of my 30th birthday. Last year, I focused on what I accomplished rather than focusing on what I didn’t accomplish since the birthday before. I’m doing the same this year.

I’m 32 and live in Texas. This picture is accurate.

  • Motherhood, Wifedom, and Family I’m really enjoying motherhood, even with a two year old. Despite all the tantrums, I’m very excited to see my baby grow into a smart, funny, and charismatic little boy. E is also having lots of fun times with his dad, which makes me very happy. Now that he’s two and a half, we’ve been feeling some pressure to add to our family. As much as I want it to happen, I’m really happy about the little groove we’ve settled into.
  • I have really started working towards IBCLC Between helping to facilitate a weekly breastfeeding group to working with moms (under the supervision of an IBCLC) in a clinical setting, I’m learning so much about breastfeeding. Bonus: I’m beginning to make a name for myself. I just hope it’s a good one!
  • I’m branching out I’m putting my CLEC to good use: I’ve recently taken on a nights-and-weekends position teaching prenatal breastfeeding classes for local hospitals that are a part of an even bigger group in DFW. In addition to the hospital prenatal classes, I teach a back-to-work class privately every 6-8 weeks. In January of this year, I launched a small business offering home visits (will refer to IBCLC if they have a complex situation beyond my scope), private classes, and support. I’ve had a couple of great home visits that were more “sanity checks” for Mom than anything.

    I have done a lot in terms of what I affectionately call my “breastfeeding extracurriculars:” Secretary for our local breastfeeding coalition, helped work on getting support for breastfeeding legislation passed in Texas, and somehow got interviewed numerous times for the Fort Worth Magazine nurse-in. Even though I’m no longer breastfeeding, I still do my part to normalize breastfeeding public by routinely handing out thanks for NIP cards and printing up some to give other moms to hand out.

  • Body Acceptance: I have really come to terms with my post baby body. While I don’t necessarily weigh more, mass has shifted around and I’m definitely a different size. I’m not showing off my body, but I’ve learned how to play up my strengths while accepting the parts I’m not crazy about. I’m not sure how this happened, but a huge part has been seeing the healthy toddler boy run around and knowing I helped sustain him. I recently had some “special pictures” taken (thank you Bonnie at B.M.J. Events!!!) that I have been a huge boost to the ego. I can’t believe it’s me in some of them and they haven’t been touched up very much.
  • Self Acceptance: I can proudly say, that at 32, I’m really happy with where I am and where I am headed. Sure I have my bad days (doesn’t everyone?), but I am more than satisfied. I’m also more secure in my beliefs (parenting, political, everything in between) than I have ever been. I think this comes with getting older.

There you have it. Clearly 31 to 32 was a year for me to focus on what I want to be doing with my life, and I’m very pleased with what I’ve been able to accomplish. Happy birthday to me. I can’t wait to see what this next trip around the sun brings!

1 thought on “32

  1. I love, love the focus on what you have done in a year vs. what was missed, lost or forgotten! Awesome to see in black and white what you've accomplished and how many women & families you've helped. You have so much to be proud of, Naya!


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